I'm planning on making this out of the cotton/linen shown here. The golden chiffon-type stuff off to the side is what I'm planning on making the false front out of along with some rabbit fur trim.

The bodice will be made in such a way that I want the corset to peek through and show off the gold fabric and the rabbit fur. Tres decadent.
I finished cutting out the fabric today and am about halfway through sewing the channels. My butt hurts from sitting on the bench and my shoulders/back are achy from being hunched over for so long sewing channel after channel after channel. Easy but tedious work for sure. I'm taking a break for now. Probably won't finish tonight but eh, you never know. Sometimes I get a bug up my butt to do something for whatever reason and get my "second-wind" so to speak. I'm hoping to possibly finish up the channels tomorrow at least. Cording the hemp is again, relatively easy, but tedious work. At least I can do that part laying in bed. ^_^
Wootles! Finished the cording. Good thing I decided not to cord the majority of the back since I almost ran out of hemp. Still have one roll left minus 2 lengths out of the 6 I started with this morning. This sucker used a lot more hemp than the last one I made. Of course the last one was smaller lengthwise....
Anyway, wooo! Excited I've gotten most of it finished. My fingers are *killing* me though. See, the hemp tends to get stuck and the easiest way to get it into the channel is to roll it and push in at the same time. Hemp is not the softest fiber out there either. I mean, sure, when it's been washed a few times, it softens up, but in raw cord? Owwwie. I finished up an hour ago and my fingers are still bright red from all the friction. :(
Which is why I decided to order grommets to put in instead of doing the hand-bound ones again. Besides, with as many grommets are supposed to be on it, I'm not sure I have enough time to finish them by hand. I'm still putting off doing the hand-bound eyelets for my
mom's purse strap.
So anywho, until the corset is grommeted, tailored and has the binding put on, I'll also be holding off on making the false front since I need the tops and sides to match up and everything.
I'll try to upload a photo tomorrow of what's done on this so far. It's looking rather decent. Much better than the first one at least. ^_^
As promised, a photo of what's done so far:

I still have to add the grommets and lacing, then fit and tailor a smidge more before adding the bias binding which will hide/finish all those raw ends of hemp and fabric. After that I'll be figuring out the false front I'm planning with the rabbit fur. Never sewn real fur before either... this project is full of firsts ain't it?
Well, I put the grommets in and tried this on yesterday and it fits, I'd just like it to be a smidge tighter (right now it's kinda sports bra-ish, not corset-like). Since it's front lacing I guess I'll have to add in back lacing as well. Which I suppose is for the best in case I gain or lose weight (hopefully lose) and can make it more adjustable.
I plan on attempting that later today. Once that's done and it's grommetted (crap, I hope I have enough of the same color to do the back..... ) I'll be able to add the bias edging. Nothing too spectacular. I'm thinking perhaps some of the leftover linen but I'm not sure I have enough, so it may just be the same white fabric I used for the smock and farthingale.
I sliced the corset up the back, turned the edges and sewed them down. Added the grommets (didn't have enough of the antiqued ones so I had to use the gold... I may have to add more because the way it is now is causing the fabric at the bottom to bunch up weirdly) and laced 'er on up. Now it is VERY cleavage-riffic. ^_^ I'll be adding the binding tomorrow and perhaps adding more of the back grommets, as well as trying to make the false front. Still trying to think about how I'm going to attach the thing....
Wootles! Almost finished! I did up the bias tape this morning with my new nifty bias tape makers and added it to the corset. I'll have to go back and handsew near the ends and a few curves because my machine (and I) didn't like turning for those tabs at the waist but the corset itself is completed. I made up the false front super quick also but still have to figure out some way to attach it to the corset or gown or something. Hrm... I'm thinking maybe some snaps or lacing tabs of some sort? I think I'll stop by arts and crafts later and see if they have anything I could use.
* fabric (approximately 1 yd)
* 3 mm hemp cord (lots....)
* grommets
cut out pattern and fabric*
sew channels*
insert hemp cording*
add binding*
add eyelets*
make back-lacing and add grommets*
make false front with rabbit fur trim*
add some way to attach false front